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This system will be totally revised and newly edited, published around March 15 th 2006 as " The Natural System of Remedies".

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Menschliche oder tierische Stoffe und Nosoden

/ Human or Animal Metabolic Products or Nosodes

Hormonelle Substanzen und Organe / Hormons or Organs

1 Adrenalin - (Adren)

Adrenalin / Adrenal Gland

2 Corticotropinum, ACTH - (Cortico)

Adrenocorticotropes Hormon / Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

3 Cortisonum - (Cortison)

Kortison / Cortisone

4 Folliculinum - (Foll)

Ovarialfollikel / Ovarian Follicle

5 Glandula suprarenalis - (#Supren)

Nebennierenrinde / Suprarenal Gland Cortex

6 Histaminum - (Hist)

Histamin / Histamine

Syn.: Imidazoläthylamin, Histaminum hydrochloricum

7 Hypothalamus - (Hypoth)

Hypothalamus / Hypothalamus Gland

8 Insulinum - (Ins)

Insulin / Insulin

9 Melatoninum - (#Melat)

10 Oophorinum - (Ov)

Ovarialextrakt / Ovary Gland

Syn.: Ovininum, engl.: Ovarian Extrakt

11 Orchitinum - (Orch)

Hodenextrakt / Testes Extract

Syn.: engl.: Testicular Extract

12 Pancreatinum - (Pancr)

Pankreasenzym von Ochse oder Schaf / Extract of pancreatic gland of ox or sheep

13 Parathyreoidinum - (Parathyr)

Parathormon / Parathyroid Hormone

14 Pepsinum - (Peps)

Verdauungsenzym / Digestive Enzyme

15 Pituitaria glandula anterior - (Pitu-a)

Hypophysenvorderlappen / Anterior Lobe of Hypophysis

Syn.: Adenohypophysis, Hypophysis anterior, Pituitarium anteriorum

16 Pituitaria glandula - (Pitu-gl)

Hypophyse / Pituitary Gland

Syn.: Hypophysis, engl.: Master Gland

17 Pituitarium posterior - (Pitu-p)

Hypophysenhinterlappen / Posterior Lobe of Hypophysis

Syn.: Neurohypophysis, Hypophysis posterior

18 Placenta suis - (#Plac-sui)

Schweine-Plazenta / Placenta of Pigs

19 Serotoninum - (Serot)

Serotonin /

20 Thalamus - (Thala)

Thalamus / Thalamus

21 Thymi glandulae extractum - (Thym-gl)

Thymusdrüse / Thymus Gland

22 Thyreoidinum - (Thyr)

Schilddrüse von Schaf oder Rind / Thyroid Gland of Sheep or Calf

I Thyroiodinum - (Thyri)

Jodthyronin / Iodothyrinum

Syn.: FT3+ FT4


Bestandteile des Zellstoffwechsels Parts of the Cellular Metabolism

1 Adenosinmonohydrogenphosphat / AMP - (#AMP)

2 Adenosintriphosphat / ATP - (#ATP)

3 Bilirubinum - (Bilir)

4 Coenzym A - (#Co-A)

Azetyl-Koenzym A /

5 Desoxyribonucleinicum acidum - (DNA)

Desoxyribonukleinsäure / Deoxy-ribonucleic Acid

Syn.: D.N.A., DNA, DNS

Proving by Philipp Robbins

6 Interferonum - (Interf)

7 L-Cystein - (#L-Cys)

8 Lecithinum - (Lec)

Lezithin / Lecithin

9 Nicotinamid-Adenosin-Dinucleotid - (#N.A.D.)

10 Riboflavinum - (Ribo)

Riboflavin /

11 Ribonucleinicum acidum - (Rib-ac)

Ribonukleinsäure / Ribonucleinic Acid

Syn.: R.N.A., RNS

12 Thiaminum hydrochloricum - (Thiam)

Thiaminchlorid /

13 Thiocticum acidum - (Thio-ac)

/ Thioctic Acid

Syn.: dt.: Enzym des Acetyl-Coenzym A-Kreislaufs, engl.: Lipoic Acid



Nosoden - Nosodes

1 AIDS – (Aids)

/ Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom

Proving: Micha Norland http://www.homeopathyschool.com/provings.html

Verreibungsprotokoll (dt.) http://people.blinx.de/behemoth/homeo/files/hiv_aids.htm

2 Anthracinum - (Anthraci)

Milzbrand / Anthrax Nosode

Syn.: Abr.: Anthra

3 Bacillinum Burnett - (Bac)

Tuberkulöse Lunge / Tuberculosis Nosode

4 Bacillinum testium - (Bac-t)

Tuberkulöser Hoden / Testicular Tuberculosis

5 Bacillus No. 7 (Bacls-7)

Syn.: Abr.: Ba-sv

6 Bacillus No. 10 (Bacls-10)

Syn.: Abr.: Ba-tn

7 Morbus Bang-Nosode (#Bang)

8 BCG-Vaccin - (#BCG)

BCG-Impfstoff / BCG-Vaccin

Syn.: franz./french:: Vaccin attenue bilie (V-a-b)

9 Botulinum - (Botul)

Schweinebotulismus-Toxin / Toxin of Bacillus Botulinum

10 Brucella melitensis - (Brucel)

(Proving by Phou Souk-Aloun)

11 Carcinosinum - (Carc)

Brustkrebs / Cancer Nosode

Syn.: Carcinosin Foubister, C.Burnett

je nach Hersteller oft sehr unterschiedliche Carcinome in verschiedener Anzahl

/ different kinds of cancer depending on manufacturer.

12 Colibacillinum - (Coli)

Coli-Bakterien / Coli Bacteria

Syn.: Escherichia coli

13 Diphtherinum - (Diph)

Diphtherie / Diphtheria Toxin

14 D.P.T. Vaccinum - (#DPT)

Diphtherie, Pertussis, Tetanus -Impfstoff / D.P.T. Vaccine

15 Diphteria Tetanus Paratyphoid - (DTTAB)

16 Dysenteriae Bacillus - (Dys)

Ruhr-Bakterien / Dysentery Bacillus

Syn.: Bac. dysenteriae, Shigella dys., Abr.: Dys-coVm, engl.: Bowel Nosode, Dysentery Compound

17 Eberthinum - (Eberth)

Typhusnosode / Nosode of Typhoid

Syn.: Salmonella typhi, Typhus

18 Enterococcinum - (Enteroc)

Enterokokkennosode / Bowel Nosode

Syn.: Streptococcus faecalis

19 Epihysterinum - (Epih)

Uterustumor / Tumor of Uterus

20 Flavus Bacillus - (Flav)

21 Framboesinum - (Fram)

Framboesie-Nosode / Framboisia

Syn.: engl.: Pian

22 FSME -Vaccin - (FSME)

23 Gaertner Bacillus - (Gaert)

Salmonellen-Nosode / a bowel nosode

Syn.: Salmonella entertidis, Streptococcus faecalis

24 Gonotoxinum - (Gonotox)

Gonokokkenkulturen /

Syn.: Gonococcinum, fast identisch mit / almost identical with Medorrhinum

25 Haffkine - (Haff)

Pestnosode / Plague Nosode

26 Hepatitis A - (Hep-A)

27 Hepatitis B - (Hep-B)

28 HIB - (HIB)

Bazillus Haemophilus influenzae Typ B (HIB), PEDVAX-R

Proving Klaus Löbisch

28 Hippozaeninum - (Hippoz)

Rotzbazillus / Nosode of Glanders

Syn.: Glanderinum, Malleinum, Farcinum, engl.: Nosode of Farcy

29 Influenzinum - (Influ)

Grippe / Influenza Nosode

30 Leprominum - (Lepr)

Lepra / Nodose of Leprosy

Syn.: Mycobacterium leprae

31 Leptospirinum - (Leptos)

Leptospirose /

Syn.: Leptospira icterohaemorrhagica

32 Lyssinum/ Hydrophobinum - (Lyss)

Speichel eines tollwütigen Hundes / Saliva of a rabid dog

33 Malandrinum - (Maland)

Pferdemauke / Grease in Horses

34 Medorrhinum - (Med)

Gonorrhoe / Gonorrhea Nosode

Syn.: Glinicum, dt.: Trippernosode

35 Melitagrinum - (Melit)

Kopfhautekzemnosode / Nosode of Ekzema capitis

36 Meningococcinum - (Meningoc)

Meningokokkenkulturen /

37 Morbillinum - (Morb)

Masernabstrich / Measles Nosode

38 Morgan Bacillus - (Morg)

/ Morgan´s Bacillus

Syn.: Proteus morganii, engl.: Morgan Pure

39 Morgan-Gaertner Bacillus - (Morg-g)

Morgan´s Bacillus /

Syn.: Proteus morganii s.Expl.Gaertner

40 Mucor mucedo - (Mucor)

Mucor-Pilz /

41 Mucotoxinum - (Mucot)

Syn.: Micrococcus catarrhalis

42 Mutabilis Bacillus - (Mut)

/ Mutabile Bacillus

Syn.: Bacillus faecalis

43 Oscillococcinum - (Oscilloc)

Syn.: dt.: Nosode eines von J.Roy 1925 beobachteten Bakteriums, engl.: Nosode of a Germ, 1925 observed by J.Roy

44 Osteo-arthritische Nosode, O.A.N. - (O.A.N.)

arthritische Synovia / Osteo-arthritic Nosode

45 Paratyphoidinum - (Parat)

Paratyphus-Nosode /

46 Parotidinum - (Parot)

Mumps / Mumps Nosode

Syn.: Ourlianum

47 Pertussinum - (Pert)

Keuchhusten / Whooping Cough

Syn.: Pertussin, Coqueluchinum

48 Pestinum - (Pest)

Pest / Plague Nosode

Syn.: Plaguinum, Haffkine?

49 Pneumococcinum - (Pneu)

Pneumokokken / Pneumococcus Nosode

Syn.: Pn.venenosum

50 Poliomyelitis - (Polio)

Syn.: Oral Virelon®

Proving: Klaus Löbisch

51 Proteus bacillus - (Prot)

Proteus-Bakterium / Proteus Intestinal Bacteria

Syn.: Bac. mirabilis, rettgeri

Psorinum siehe bei Milben / see Arachnida - Mites

52 Pyrogenium - (Pyrog)

Faules Fleisch / Decomposed Lean Beaf

Syn.: Pyrexin, Sepsin, Putrescinum, engl.: Rotten Meat Pus

53 Rubeola - (#Rube)

Röteln / German Measles

54 Salmonella typhi – (Salm-t)

Typhus-Erreger / bacteria of typhoid

55 Scarlatininum - (Scarl)

Scharlach / Scarlet Fever

Syn.: Scarlatinum

56 Scirrhinum - (Scir)

Szirrhus-Karzinom / Nosode of Scirrhus Cancer

Syn.: Carcinominum, Durum

57 Staphylococcinum - (Staphycoc)

Staphylokokkeneiter / Staphylococcus Bacteria

58 Staphylotoxinum - (Staphytox)

Staphylokokkentoxin / Staphylococcus Toxin

59 Streptocccinum - (Streptoc)

Streptokokken-Eiter / Streptococcus Bacteria

60 Strepto-enterococcus Bacillus - (Strept-ent)

Syn.: Enterococcus proteiformes + Streptococcus faecalis

61 Syphilinum/ Luesinum - (Syph)

Lues, Syphilis / Syphilis Nosode

Syn.: Lueticum

62 Sycoccus bacillus - (Syc)

Darmnosode / Bowel nosode

Syn.: Streptococcus faecalis, engl.: Sycotic Compound, Abr.: Syc-co

63 Tetanotoxinum - (Tetox)

Tetanustoxin / Tetanus Toxin

Syn.: dt.: Gift des Wundstarrkrampfs

64 Toxoplasminum - (Toxo)

Toxoplasmose / Toxoplasms gondi

Syn.: Toxoplasma gondii

65 Tuberculinum avis/ aviaire - (Tub-a)

Hühnertuberculose / Chicken Tuberculosis

66 Tuberculinum bovinum Kent - (Tub)

Rindertuberkulose /

Syn.: Tuberculinum Denys - (Tub-d)

67 Tuberculinum Koch - (Tub-k)

Menschentuberkulose / Tuberculosis

Syn.: Mycobacterium Koch

68 Tuberculinum Marmoreck - (#Tub-m)

Tuberkulin-Serum vom Pferd / Serum of Marmorek

Syn.: engl.: Serum of Horses

69 Tuberculinum residuum - (#Tub-r)

Filtratsrückstand v. Tub.-Bakterien /

70 Tuberculinum Spengler - (Tub-sp)

Tuberkulin-Serum von Kaninchen / Tubercular Serum of Rabbits

71 Typhus-Nosode - (#Typhus)

72 Vaccininum/ Vaccinotoxinum - (Vac)

Rinderpocken / Cow-pox Lymph

Syn.: Vaccinia

73 Variolinum - (Vario)

Pocken / Smallpox nosode

74 Yersinium - (Yers)

Yersinien-Nosode /

Syn.: Serum Yersiniae, Abr.: Yersin



Menschliche Stoffwechselprodukte - Products of Human Metabolism

1 Calculus renalis - (Cal-ren)

Nierenstein / Kidney Stone

Syn.: Lapidus renalis, Calcarea renalis, engl.: Urate of Lime, Abr.: - (Calc-ren)

2 Cholesterinum - (Chol)

Cholesterin / Cholesterine

Syn.: C27H45OH x H2O, Cholestenol, 3b -Hydroxy-5-cholesten

Indolum - (Indol) s.unter: zyklische Kohlenstoffverbindungen / see: cycl. Carbons

Scatolum - (Scat) s.unter: zyklische Kohlenstoffverbindungen / see: cycl. Carbons

3 Vernix caseata - (#Vernx)

Käseschmiere /