Proposed Table of Miasms in the Plant Kingdom           



I have a proposal for Apocynaceae: 
I have a case of Oleander which is a confirmation for lepra miasm. I found a case of oleander in Reference works which also shows lepra miasm.
And I have studied this family and here is my idea about miasms based on studying MM.
Sensation of the family in short: contraction of muscles, activity, clearness of mind on one side and relaxation, exhaustion, prostration and severe weakness on the other side. relaxation and contraction is also in the mind: mind is not able to exert, breakdown of mental facilities.
Apocynum androsemifolium: 
here I found in the book written by Matthew Wood: "in a short time I felt a splitting in my head, as if a wedge had been driven down through the vertex into the center of my brain. .... enourmous force entering my head. I could not focus on anything without increasing the pain, could not focus my eyes. ... had sensation as if I had fallen on a hard surface... like on hard ice. headache became stronger and stronger until I was incapacitated. ... unable to think..." 
and from a case: "she was suffering from total exhaustion, intense headache, dull minded, confused, couldnot think, as if wind was knocked out her lungs by a sudden blow... ...felt like she was not in her body. peculiar symptom: strange confusion, as if she didnt know whether she should breath in or out. she had to distract her mind so that she could breath."
(this is very similar to what Hahnemann is writing in the proving of Oleander: "While reading a book he cannot apprehend the thoughts conveyed by it, when with the greatest effort to understand them he thinks that he will not understand them; his thoughts then become confused and render him quite unable to read further; but he certainly is understanding all things more easily when he does not think about understanding them;")
Remedy for high impact injuries... sudden blows to head, falling on hard surface... wind suddenly knocked out of lungs..
Apocynum androsem: acute miasm
Apocynum cannabinum: Typhus ?
Strophanthus: Ringworm??
Malaria: Alstonia constricta and Alstonia scholaris (very sure; MM: vying with China!)
Cancer: Vinca minor
TB: Quebracho


Syphilis: Rauwolfia/Reserpin

by Willi Neuhold,  4.6.2012

Aus Seminarmaterial von Willi Neuhold (5.11.12):


Passive Reaktion

  • Schwäche, Trägheit
  • kraftlos,entkräftet, gelähmt
  • leblos, lustlos
  • Gedächtnisschwäche
  • schwerfällig, teilnahmslos
  • verwirrt, stumpf, abgestumpft
  • Ausweitung, schlaff 
  • gleichgeschaltet, desinteressiert

Aktive Reaktion

  • Muskelspannung, Tonus
  • Aktivität, Phantasien
  • geistig rege, klar, aktiv
  • kräftig, Spannkraft
  • leicht erregbar, empfindlich
  • Stimulus, Reiz, Anreiz


Stroph. - Strophanthus hispidus ins Sykotische nach einem Fallbericht von Jürgen Faust, Sankaran-Tage München 22.3.14, Mitschrift J.Wichmann

Stroph-s. - Strophanthus samantosus ins Ringworm nach einem Fallbericht von Jürgen u Greta Faust, Sankaran-Tage München 22.3.14, Mitschrift J.Wichmann

Ibog. = Tabernanthe iboga, according to the proving by Declan Hammond as reported in
    Syph. because of deep black depression, feeling of loss of soul, addictive behaviour, death and rebirth


Of a given plant group this table only shows those species that we could relate a certain miasm to. If you want to see all remedies of a plant family or order that are in current homeopathic use or that have recently been proved, you can go to the website and there to "search substances and groups", where you can chose the remedy group you are interested in.

And if you wish to see wonderful photographs of many of these plants (and many more) you can visit